Meet Our Contributors

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tough decisions...

Almost weekly, I receive a call, an email, or some type of communication, asking why Beretta is not present at a specific show.

The question has always the same effect on me: heartburn.

The fact is that the real answer is "We should be there." There is nothing as important (and as satisfying) for us than to be in direct contact with consumers. It's an opportunity to learn from real users of our product, to receive important feedback and (truth be told) to spend a few hours basking in the sun of how much Beretta is loved and welcome in communities across the United States.

The reality, however, is a little harsher: we can't be everywhere, every day. The choice of what show to attend is as gut-wrenching as the choice of what cause to sponsor. We'd love to do them all, but cannot.

We make our choices based on the location, the traffic, the time of the year and the number of consumers we'll be able to reach during the event.

What are some of the shows and events you attend? Where would you like to see Beretta, either directly or through some of its retailers?


  1. "Where can I find HI-CAP 8045 Cougar magazines in 45ACP for my CX4??? Any info on the conversion for other type mags??"
    You guys have everything for 9mm and 40SW but NOTHING for 45ACP... WHY??? I love my CX4 45AP, but would REALLY like some 15 to 20 to 30 round mags for it!!!


  2. The only mag I know of that fits the Cx4 is from but I don't know anything about the quality of the product.

  3. I would love to see Beretta in a gun show near me! I live a Podunk town in PA near the Ohio border. I am a Beretta 92 owner but have recently been looking for a smaller more adequate gun for me. I had shot Storm .40 and do love it but I'm having problems with I like big guns! I gripe about my 92 that it pulls my pants down and that it's heavy after a day at the range but I like to know that something big is in my hand worse case scenario if I ever have to defend myself I can knock out my opponent with the big Bertha!!!! I would definitely like to touch and see the entire line of pistols!

    1. I will let our events manager know! You DESERVE to see us :)

  4. I would even give ya all the listings in my area!!! I would be your top buyer guarantee!!! Lol btw there is a show this weekend in Niles lol
